If you use a number of appliances in your use which is true of a typical household these days with large TV screens and powerful cleaning devices and kitchen appliances, you need solar PV to drive your energy efficiently. We have done thousands of residential solar PV installations and help Australians save on energy bills.
There are a number of incentives to go residential solar as you may be eligible for solar credits and subsidy offers from the Government. The amount of subsidy varies with size and location of solar installation and applies to new installations under this scheme
Please call Solar 370 today to find out if you get an incentive to reduce your energy bills with one time solar PV installation.
Solar 370 offers beneficial residential Solar power packages to help them lower the energy bills and enjoy using their appliances for a value. With reduced consumption, a common household is stress free while using the typical set of appliances needed to complement various tasks of everyday life. The added advantage is to be able to monitor and keep an eye on your power consumption. An expert Solar 370 staff can help you run through the benefits with solar PV at your home and help you make an informed decision.